Saturday, November 10, 2018


Pathogens attack plants through 4 methods : 
1. Mechanical force 
2. Chemical weapon
3. Microbial toxins
4. Growth regulators

A) Mechanical structures

2 special structures to penetrate plant surface :
i. Appressorium
ii. Haustorium

B) Chemical Weapon

5 enzymes responsible for degrading cell wall subtances :
i. Cutinase > cutin
ii. Pectinase > peptide
iii. Cellulase > cellulose
iv. Hemicellulase > hemicellulose
v. Ligninases > lignin

3 additional enzymes to degrade substances in the plant cell :
i. Proteolytic enzymes > proteins
ii. Amylases > starch
iii. Lipases, phospholipase > lipids

C) Microbial toxins

Produced by plant pathogenic microorganism :
a)   Non host specific
b)  Host specific

A)  Non host specific (wide range of host plant)
i) Tabtoxin
- bacterium Pseudomonas syringe
cause wild fire disease of tobacco

ii) Phaleosotoxin
- bacterium Pseudomonas syringe
- halo blight of bean and other legumes

iii) Tentoxin
- fungus Alternaria alternata 
- chlorosis of plant seedlings

B) Host specific (particular host)
i) Victorin/ HV toxin
- fungus Cochliobolus victoriae
- leaf blights (oat plants)

ii) T-Toxin
fungus Cochliobolus victoriae
southern corn leaf blight 

iii) HC-Toxin
Cochliobolus carbonum
leaf spot disease

Hormonal imbalance and lead to abnormal plant growths
such as:
i. Stunting
ii. Overgrowths
iii. Excessive root branching
iv. Stem malformation

References :

Prepared by :
Ibni Alfirajullah Hafiz bin Ibni Alfirdaus

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